What our customers say about us
Lost 10 kgs in 3 months…!
I needed motivation and help to stay organized. Beyond diet, the support and care I received from Diet4all, helped me to stay on track…Forever!

Lost 12 kgs in 3 months…!
You have been a fabulous dietician for me and a very good friend who listens and tolerates all the crap and childish nature of me. Thank you for helping me lose 10 kgs and beyond!

Lost 60 kgs in 12 months…!
Thanks a lot Ruchita for helping me in the journey from 140 kgs to 80 kgs. I could do what was once thought to be impossible to achieve with diet!

Lost 22 kgs in 6 months…!
I feel jubilant after seeing the surprising results. I have enjoyed all the diet plans until now. Thanks a lot Ruchita for teaching me not to eat less but to eat the right.

Chin Shaping with Radiofrequency Treatment
Sometimes minor differences also can have major impact. It’s a wonderful technology. Thanks a lot Ruchita to give a boost to my confidence…!

Lost 18 kgs in 5 months…!
I was suffering from morbid obesity of 114 kgs along with hip joint damage secondary to steroid use for skin problem. I lost 18 kgs of weight just with the proper diet since I was unable to do exercise. Now I feel energetic and can even walk for short distance without any hip joint pain.

Lost 10 kgs in 3 months…!
“Nourish your body and don’t starve” is what I have learnt from Diet4all to maintain my body and stay fit and get rid of my acidity and migraine issues.

Ultralipolysis for Shaping
Thanks to Diet4all, I could get rid of that stubborn belly fat and got my body in shape…!

Lost 10 kgs in 3 months with significant inch loss…!
I am grateful to Ruchita for giving me back my lost smile, a feeling of pride and self-belief. I feel rejuvenated with the relief of my knee pain and control of my hormonal imbalance.

Lost 15 kgs in 5 months…!
I dedicate all the credits to Ruchita and team for all the praises that have been showered on me by my family and friends.

Chin Shaping with Radiofrequency Treatment
I could notice a great improvement in my facial features after this treatment. It feels great to see yourself in mirror and find transformed…!

Lost 12 kgs in 3 months…!
It’s no secret. Diet4all believes in proven, science based nutritional principles. I thank Ruchita for making me acknowledge the scientific facts of nutrition which helped me to change my life forever!

Lost 15 kgs in 6 months…!
I am grateful to Diet4all and the team for helping me choose the right weight loss plan and changing my life.

Lost 22 kgs in 6 months…!
I am thankful to the team of Diet4all for guiding me throughout my weight loss program. It helped me not only in losing weight but also in restoring my health and energy levels.

Stepping with Advanced Technology: Sugar Monitoring Made Easy & Pain-free…!
Achieve the recommended targets of sugar levels with convenient glucose monitoring. No more finger pricks, no more pain. Monitor your sugars even while you are asleep…!

Painless Sugar Monitoring for Accurate Control of Diabetes
Diet planning with continuous monitoring of sugar levels. See the difference yourself…!